Saturday, January 17, 2015

An Epic Tale Of Rendering Part 1


This is my first blog entry ever! My name is Mauro. I have a passion for Computer Graphics and especially Real-Time rendering. The main purpose of this blog is to share my progress and discuss problems / challenges I encounter during the process. I will be sharing my progress in the creation of a GPU Pathtracer of (hopefully) epic proportions! I will be using the skills I've learned the last few years to (try) to pull it of. Here's a list of goals I want to achieve:
  1. General
    • Multi Platform: Windows and MacOS for starters.
    • Full OpenCL Path tracer i.e. Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, etc support.
    • Multi-Threaded
    • As fast as possible...
  2. Core
    • Custom math library
    • Custom OpenCL core
    • UI
    • Mesh Loading (at least .obj)
    • Custom scene file format / loader
  3. Path tracer
    • Interactive / Real-time
    • BSDF style material system (Multi-layered support if possible)
    • Area, Environment and Mesh lights (per triangle)
    • MIS
    • Optimized for TriangleMeshes
    • Noise Functions
    • AOV support for at least: Depth, Normals (Geometry and Shading), Position, Color (Diffuse, Glossy, Specular) and some debug output like traversal depth and pixel color variance.
    • Implement custom noise filter designed for real-time path tracing
  4. Anything I forgot
    •  Having fun!
May the rendering gods be with me:)

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